A Message to Parents...
To the Mamas, Papas, & Caregivers out there,
Welcome to my page! So glad you've found me!
My name is Nurse Kate. As a Registered Maternity Nurse and expert in postpartum support, I am passionate about providing the best care for you and your newborn after delivery.
Through workshops and hands-on consulting from the comfort of your hospital room, family home, or online; my support will help you and your little one make a safe and smooth transition from womb to world. This extends to providing you with personal development coaching as your role evolves into parenting, to ensure you're the best version of you in the process.
My consulting and advice is tailored to meet your personal birth experience and unique family needs. Being a Certified Elementary School Teacher as well, my strong knowledge of child psychology and development, reinforces the holistic approach I take, when considering your child's wellbeing.
With compassion, patience, and encouragement, my mission is to Inspire Confidence, Independence, Knowledge, and Success in Parenting during a very exciting (and sometimes overwhelming!) chapter of your lives, leaving you feeling empowered and at peace.
With light and love,
from my heart to yours,
Nurse Kate R.N., BScN, B.Ed., MCP

© 2024 by After the Stork with Nurse Kate. All Rights Reserved.
Toronto, ON
Tel 416-909-6821
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